Jackie Shimshoni Reese

Chief of Staff

Jackie Shimshoni Reese is The Tree of Life’s inaugural chief of staff, bringing more than a decade of marketing and nonprofit management experience.

As chief of staff, Jackie works directly with the CEO and CFOO to build the new institution dedicated to uprooting antisemitism. She supports the day-to-day operations of the organization and development efforts. Jackie also serves as a public ambassador for The Tree of Life and facilitates the growth and deepening of community partnerships on behalf of the organization.

Jackie joined The new Tree of Life after more than five years at the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, where she most recently served as manager. During her time at the Holocaust Center, Jackie led efforts related to marketing, grant writing, exhibits, digital programming and assets. She also managed special educational projects, including the writing and designing of the CHUTZ-POW! Teacher’s Resource Guide.

Prior to the Holocaust Center, Jackie designed and ran Startable Pittsburgh, an intensive teen entrepreneurship program of Innovation Works. She has also held various roles in nonprofit marketing, grant writing, exhibit curation, digital programming, and education at various organizations in Pittsburgh and in Florida.

Jackie holds a master’s degree in arts management from Carnegie Mellon University and a bachelor’s degree in art education from University of Florida. In 2017, she was an honoree in the inaugural class of “Who’s Next in Education” from The Incline, a Pittsburgh news outlet.